Classic refining books
Classic refining books
What would your recommendation be for classic refining books to have as a reference?
I have a copy of 'Petroleum Refining, technology and economics' that does a nice beginning job explaining the different refining operations (atm distillation, vacuum distillation, isomerization, alkyation, catalytic reforming, FCCU, hydrocracker, hydrotreaters, etc). Petroleum refining by Nelson has been recommended to me, I'm trying to find a copy.
I have a copy of 'Petroleum Refining, technology and economics' that does a nice beginning job explaining the different refining operations (atm distillation, vacuum distillation, isomerization, alkyation, catalytic reforming, FCCU, hydrocracker, hydrotreaters, etc). Petroleum refining by Nelson has been recommended to me, I'm trying to find a copy.
RE: Classic refining books
With worldwide petroleum refining capacity expected to continue its expansion well into the 21st Century, here is a timely and thorough revision of the definitive handbook on the licensable technologies for producing environmentally acceptable fuels and petrochemical intermediaries.
A global compendium of refining technologies, this handbook has been prepared by UOP, Chevron, Exxon, Foster Wheeler, MW Kellogg, and Stone and Webster, six major technology licensors. In addition, many of the technologies presented here were co-developed with firms around the world, including such organizations as British Petroleum, Insitut Francais du Petrole, Catalyst Chemical Industries Co., Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP), and Sinopac International.
And try to look at the
RE: Classic refining books
RE: Classic refining books
1)For Naphtha Reformer:
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming , edited by Antoinne & Pereira(This one is better than the one by Donald Little)
2) For Hydrogen and associated like shift Reactions : 'Catalyst Handbook' by Martyn Twigg, This book also has ammonia , etc.
3) Distillation Operation and Distillation Design by Kister (these are two books)
4) For hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers : If you can refer to UOP technology manual, if you have UOP plants, they are quite good.
And I feel one recommended by 25362 is good for hydrocracker.