reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
Who can give me any ideas about reheat cracking and knifeline cracking of stabilized stainless steels such as 347 and 316Ti? These two crackings are same thing or different?
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
Reheat cracking is caused by precipitates that form within the grains of the 347 base metal heat affected zone during welding. The precipitates increase the creep strength of the grains themselves and render the grain boundaries susceptible to creep damage during relieving of residual tensile stresses from welding or even cold working in service.
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
By the way, do you know where I can find more information about 316Ti welding?
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
I am trying to find out some differences between Titanium stabilized stainless steel (321, 316Ti) and Niobium Stabilized stainless steel(347, 316Nb). It seems Nb stabilized grades are more susceptible to hot cracking than Ti stabilized grades. Am I right? If it is, what is the reason?
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
What you mean is reheat cracking, not hot cracking. The NbC precipitates in Type 347 stainless steel can significantly increase the creep strength of this material. Whereas, titanium carbides serve to tie up the carbon and avoid the formation of harmful chromium carbides. Hot cracking has more to do with cracks in weld metal formed during solidification of primary austenite in the weld deposit.
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
I think TiC precipitate in 321 has same function with NbC precipitate in 347, strengthening grains and causing grain boundaries tearing when cooling. Also, both of them can serve as stabilizing elements to tie up carbon and avoid CrC formation.
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
No. Be careful, they are different carbide morphologies. Niobium enhances creep strength properties. In my dealings with 347 stainless, the reheat cracking is more common in heavier section thicknesses, and has not been reported for 321 stainless steel.
RE: reheat cracking and knifeline cracking
My experience is similar to metengr, in that reheat cracking is more of an issue with 347, but I feel that it is mostly driven by coarser, less distributed, carbides.
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