Titanium Dioxide - "Hartematal"
Titanium Dioxide - "Hartematal"
I am searching for a process in the USA for coating aluminum analogous to a process available in Switzerland called "Hartematal". The process creates a very thin, very hard, and very wear resistant coating of titanium dioxide on the surface. A web search has only turned up a document from a German company who use the process for their solenoid valves. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
RE: Titanium Dioxide - "Hartematal"
Plasma electrolytic oxidation
KEPLA-COAT® for aluminium and titanium alloys, MAGOXID-COAT® for magnesium [probably the German company referred to]
Microplasmic Process (MPP) coats aluminum, magnesium, tantalum, titanium, zirconium and their alloys. http://www.microplasmic.com/
"Keronite’s plasma electrolytic oxidation process transforms the surface of aluminum alloys into a complex ceramic matrix..."