Agitator shaft/impeller coating
Agitator shaft/impeller coating
I have an agitator with 304 SS shaft/impeller. It is used to dissolve metal nitrate which becomes acidic as it dissolves so I have HNO3 generated in-situ. I noticed that the resulting solution, instead of being transparent, turns into darkish, although still transparent liquid. I am thinking about coating the impeller/shaft with PE or something else would be better?
And how would you do it?
And how would you do it?
RE: Agitator shaft/impeller coating
HNO3 itself isn't too corrosive toward 304 SS (which is used for 55-gallon drums of nitric) but the metals & impurities in the nitrate may contribute to a bad interaction.
What metal nitrate, quality of water, what color is formed, have you analyzed the raw materials & solution for Fe, Cr & Ni?
Consider using a 316 (CF8M if cast) SS impeller. Also, check any setscrews if used; they are usually a harder but less corrosion resistant SS.
If you have a high speed mixer, maybe erosion is the problem. A slower but larger diameter mixer may help, then.
RE: Agitator shaft/impeller coating
Isn't there some kind of hard, dense PE formulation, if I remember I ran onto it somewhere (trade magazine)?
I will definitely have to do analysis on metal ions in the product.
RE: Agitator shaft/impeller coating
Solubility curves vs. pH for various metals (only a partial one for Fe+3):
Check both the lab prepared sample & the bulk. A faint color in a bulk tank usually appears colorless in a beaker.