Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
On the web site, I see that NACA TR 824 was digitized. Does anyone know if this data is available somewhere? NACA is the paper that gave rise to Abbott and Doehoff's book "Theory of Wing Sections"
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
i hope this site can help u out. this site has a comprehensive database of almost all the airfoil sections available.
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
The report you are looking for is found at the following website ( Perform a search for 'Abbott' and you will find the report TR 824 titled "Summary of Airfoil Data".
This website also has many more NACA reports from 1917 to 1958. NASA Langley reports can be found at (
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
However, I have already downloaded the pdf file for NACA TR 824. Gregory Peter posted an announcement on 10 Jun 1994 stating that he had digitized the plots, creating Cl, Cd files. That data was stored at in a file called I'm looking for tabulated Cl, Cd from the NACA report. The announcment "NACA Lift/Drg data on FTP site (LONG)" at site gives a description of the figures that were digitized. In particular, I am looking for data from NACA-64 sections now. But I would like to have the rest of the sections if I can locate them.
It looks like this data has been lost over time; but someone should have it.
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
The files contain the Cl, Cd data from the graphs in "Theory of Wing Sections" by I Abbot and A Doenhoff. The data was originally published in NACA TR 824, "Summary of Airfoil Data", by I Abbot, A Doenhoff, and L Silvers. The files contain data from 118 NACA airfoils, at three Reynolds number, for no flap and 0.2c flap deflect 60 degrees. There is also data for no flap and 0.2c flap deflected 60 degrees for standard roughness.
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
I'm glad you found the data! Your a better man than I and my search has led me to here where i found this thread!!!! Hoping taht you still drop by, any chance of getting a copy of the same data?
Much appreciated.
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
Try to search the net. If no luck, let me know and I try my luck. I had it long time ago and I might still have it.
I can be reached at
RE: Is NACA TR 824 digitized and available?
and includes sub-2d.