Cold Formed Steel
Cold Formed Steel
I am checking a design of some cold formed Steel Z shape purlins. I haven't worked with this material before. I have the 1996 cold formed steel design manual put out by AISI and am learning with the examples. I have gotten through the effective section properties example I-10. There is one value that I cannot find where or how to calculate....In the table where the moment of inertia is determined they find a y distance from the extreme fiber of the section ...the last 2 distances .202 (to the top lip) and 7.649(to the bottom lip) have worked for hours and I can't seem to get these numbers...If anyone has had this problem or can help me out I would appreciate any help
RE: Cold Formed Steel
Jest Chek it out this book surly you may get answer " Cold-Formed Steel Design by Wei-Wen Yu, Ph.D., P.E.
RE: Cold Formed Steel
RE: Cold Formed Steel
RE: Cold Formed Steel
where c is the length of the lip
RE: Cold Formed Steel
RE: Cold Formed Steel
On-line design of the Light-Gage /Cold-Formed steel using "1996 AISI Design Specifications" are now avilable on my web page including C-Section propertie, effective sectional properties, shear capacities, web-cripppling capacites, determinations of safety fators, screw connection capacities and 2D Plane frame Analysis.
RE: Cold Formed Steel
On-line design of the Light-Gage /Cold-Formed steel using "1996 AISI Design Specifications" are now avilable on my web page including C-Section propertie, effective sectional properties, shear capacities, web-cripppling capacites, determinations of safety fators, screw connection capacities and 2D Plane frame Analysis.