Mode Shapes in Abaqus
Mode Shapes in Abaqus
I analyzed a mainframe and engine of motorcycle using ABAQUS to get natural frequencies and modeshapes. The natural frequencies I got are quite similar to the experimental results. But why the mode shapes are look different?What are the reasons for that?
I analyzed a mainframe and engine of motorcycle using ABAQUS to get natural frequencies and modeshapes. The natural frequencies I got are quite similar to the experimental results. But why the mode shapes are look different?What are the reasons for that?
RE: Mode Shapes in Abaqus
The most likely reason for differences is that your experimental approach was not 'apples-to-apples' with a the eigenvalue extraction procedure.
Experimental frequency tests usually are hammer-test or forced-frequency tests. You may want to try and find the numerically-equivalent approach to what your experimental test actually is doing.
Lacking more details than you have provided, I can't be more specific than that.
RE: Mode Shapes in Abaqus
Thank you for replying. Actually,we performed Modal Analysis using hammer and shaker.I then used Lanszos solver to get the FEA frequencies.:)