flow simulator
flow simulator
We are looking into buying a pipe flow simulator like PIPE-FlO. Does anyone have experience with these? Which one is really good especially for pharmaceutical processes? Or is this a waste of time and money? Thanks for the help!!
RE: flow simulator
The advantage of Pipe-flo for us is that we can enter a wide number of different molecules to simulate the various streams in the refinery.
For your industry, are you just interested in modeling liquid systems and what are the types of streams? We have another model that I can't remember the name right now that is used to model the fire water system. The person who uses that one says it is much easier to construct and solve a model than Pipe-flo. A lot of the decision will depend on what you are modeling and how complex your model is and what you need it to 'produce'.
RE: flow simulator
Thanks for the info. on Pipe-flo.
RE: flow simulator
If you use autocad/autoplant then REBIS also has a flow simulation add-on that integrates with their autoplant package (you can use the iso's as your flow model - if you make them anyway then this can be time preserving).
Best Regards