Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
Is there a formula to determine the volume of a intake plenum vs the runner length? I am fabricating a intake for a inline 6 cylinder. This requires some lengthy runners and a long plenum.
What epoxys could be used on cast aluminum to reshape the inside of the plenum?
What epoxys could be used on cast aluminum to reshape the inside of the plenum?
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
A B Epoxy
known as AB sticks ...sold by Moroso and many others
or you could go directly to;
Martin R. Carbone, Inc.
the sticks will adhere good as be easier to use
or for a little better epoxy;
greater adhesion but more hassle to use
would be KopCoat from Reher-Morrison
i use KopCoat in ports and seal it with Devcon 2-Ton clear Epoxy
Larry Meaux (
Meaux Racing Heads
MaxRace Software
ET_Analyst for DragRacers
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
the name for the same product is
ZSpar A-788 Splash Zone Compound
Goodson sells this same thing as PRK-99 epoxy port reshaping kit kind of epoxy i've seen yet will work
in an exhaust port :(
at least not very long
EGT temps are usually 1000 to 1500 deg eventually anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of hours ..your epoxy is history !!!
Larry Meaux (
Meaux Racing Heads
MaxRace Software
ET_Analyst for DragRacers
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
that will let hot oil get inside the runner
might cause "lifting" of the epoxy..even tough you might have sealed it with Devcon Clear.
Use an old beat up aluma-burr carbide to rough the spots in the ports you want to epoxy
Always mix plenty more epoxy than you will use
to get a good uniform mix..mix it atleast 15 minutes
i really can't recommend you this for the street
without a lot of previous experience 1st with epoxy.
Larry Meaux (
Meaux Racing Heads
MaxRace Software
ET_Analyst for DragRacers
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
RE: Plenum Volume vs runner length vs RPM /torque ranch
i've installed the 351C-4 valves into the 351C-2 heads
....and after, the 2-barrell heads flow better on the exhaust side with a slightly better shaped exhaust port in the 2-barrell -VS- the 351C-4
the 2-barrell exhaust port has a better short turn radius after you go to the larger exhaust valve..and the port is overall smaller
the intake side doesn't flow as good as the 351C-4..but it has more airspeed and no epoxy ...and at the lower lifts the 2-barrell heads w/the 4-barrell valves will be very close in flow CFM
i've done a few pairs ..these were for street/strip ..and they went faster than the 351C-4 heads on the same cars
Larry Meaux (
Meaux Racing Heads
MaxRace Software
ET_Analyst for DragRacers