Cyclone Sizing for Solids/Gas Seperation
Cyclone Sizing for Solids/Gas Seperation
Anyone have any good articles to link or download on cyclone sizing, design, and any other information?
Anyone have any good articles to link or download on cyclone sizing, design, and any other information?
RE: Cyclone Sizing for Solids/Gas Seperation
2. W.H.Koch, W.Licht:New design approach boosts cyclone efficiency,Chem Eng Nov.7 1977 p80-88
3. J. Casal, J.M.Martinez-Benet:A better way to calculate cyclone pressure drop;Chem Eng Jan.24 1983, p99-100+Chem Eng June 27 1983 p5
4. T. Chmielniak, A. Bryczkowski: Method of calculation of new cyclone type separator with swirling baffle and bottom take off of clean gas-part ll: experimental verification;Chem eng and processing 40(2001)p245-254
5. Shepherd G. B., C. E. Lapple:Flow Pattern and pressure drop in cyclon dust collectors; Ind and Eng Chem 31, pp 972-984(1939)
6. W. Rentschler:Abscheidung und Druckverlust des Gaszyklons in Abhaengigkeit von der Staubbeladung;Forttschrittberichte VDI Reihe3 Nr242(1991)
7. M. Bohnet, O. Gottschlak M. Morweiser:Modern design of aerocyclons;Advanced Powder Tech Vol 8 No2 pp137-161 (1997)
8. Y. M. Shah, R. T. Price:Calculator program solves cyclone efficiency equation;Chem eng Aug 28 (1978)p99-102
9. A.K.Coker:Understand cyclone design; Chem eng progr Dec (1993)p51-55
10. T.Lorez:Heissgasentstaubung mit Zyklonen;Fortschritt-berichte VDI Vol3,No366(1994) p1 -113
11. L.Enliag,W.Yingmin:A new collection theory of Cyclone separators;AIChJournal April 1989 Vol35 No4 p 666-669
12.H.Yoshida,A. Sugitate,K. Fukui, E.Shinoda, J.Ma: Effect of inlet duct shape on particle separation performance of cyclone separator;Journ. of chem eng of Japan, V33 No2, p273-276(2000)
13. T.D.Tawari, F.A.Zenc:Evaluating cyclone efficiencies from stream compositions;Chem eng April 30 (1984),p69-73
D.Leith, W.Licht: The collection efficiency of cyclone type particle collectors-a new theoretical approach;AICh Symposium seriesNo126 Vol68
14. A Zanker:Determining air inlet velocity for cyclones;chem eng March 19(1984)p 159-160
15. B.Ray,P.E.Luning,A.C.Hoffman,A.Plomp,M.I.L.Beumer:Post cyclon(PoC):an innovative way to reduce the emission of fines from industrial cyclones;Ind Eng Chem Res (1997),36,p2766-2774
15. P.W.Dietz:Collection efficiency of cyclone separators;AIChE Journal Vo27 No6, Nov 1981 p888-892
16. U.Muschelknautz,V.Greif:Zyklone zum Abscheiden fester Partikel aus Gasen;VDI Waermeatlas,).Auflage (2002)Lcd1-Lcd11
17. M.Bohnet:Kriterien fuer die Auswahl von Zyklonen und Hydrozyklonen;Chem Ind XXXlll, Feb 1981 p 91-95
W.Barth:Berechnung und Auslegung von Zyklonabscheidern auf Grund neuer Untersuchungen;Brennstoff Waerme Kraft, Bd8 Heft1,Jan 1956,p1-9
18. W.Kambrock:Die Berechnung des Zyklonabscheider und praktische Gesichtspunkte zur Auslegung, Teil 1;Aufbereitungs-Technik Nr7 (1971) p 391-401
19. W.Kambrock:Die Berechnung des Zyklonabscheider und praktische Gesichtspunkte zur Auslegung, Teil 2;Aufbereitungs-Technik Nr10(1971) p 643-649
20. E.Muschelknautz:Auslegung von Zyklonabscheidern in der technischen Praxis;Staub-Reihalt.Luft 30 (1979) Nr5 p187-195
21. H.Mothes,F.LoefflerPrediction of particle removal in cyclone sepatrators;Int Chem Eng Vol 28 No2 April (1988) p 231-240
Calculation in Aspen are based on articles that mainly appeared in Chemical Engineering about 30 years ago.Personally I prefer German approach.
RE: Cyclone Sizing for Solids/Gas Seperation