Black plating for Carbon steel
Black plating for Carbon steel
Can anybody tell me where I can find a plating house that can do non-silver black alloy plating cost effectivly? Enthone-OMI and MacDermid both sell the chemicals for these types of processes, but I have not had much success in finding who they sell to. If anybody can tell me another type of black coating that will withstand upwards of 300 hrs salt spray, I would appreciate it.
RE: Black plating for Carbon steel
Ref Mil-C-13924C
I've specified it for a variety of applications without failure.
Paul R
RE: Black plating for Carbon steel
RE: Black plating for Carbon steel
I don't have the specifics on hand, but I will get them for you if applicable.
RE: Black plating for Carbon steel
P.S. Thanks for the suggestions.
RE: Black plating for Carbon steel