Interpenetration of solids
Interpenetration of solids
I modelised 2 plastic solids which deform quiet a lot. My problem is that in the solution the two solids interpenetrate which is physically impossible. In fact I don't know if it is possible to avoid the interpenetration for two surfaces not in contact before applying the force.
RE: Interpenetration of solids
RE: Interpenetration of solids
unfortunately there is no way to operate on the parameters used by Cosmos/Works during the contact solution.
If two surfaces compenetrate, probably they weren't included in the contact pair's set. In a large deformation analysis, very often you don't know which surfaces will come into contact unless you first run a "first-try" solution: then, adjust the contact pairs accordingly: include also the surfaces that weren't initially in contact, but don't use the "node-to-node" option, rather use the most general contact option possible (it will be enourmously slower, but accurate.