Alternative Motorcycle Front Ends
Alternative Motorcycle Front Ends
I am working on an RZ 350 project using an alternative front end/frame design. I have researched all the current designs (as well as old ones) for awhile now, and had the pleasure of meeting James Parker, and John Britten before he died. My question is; is there any relavent engineering information out there regarding effective rake, trail, wheelbase, swingarm length, etc. Any info would be appreciated.
RE: Alternative Motorcycle Front Ends
Sadly, I think the most information you are ever going to get is along the lines of "this is what 'X' has tried and it appears to work without making the bike unrideable".
For an alternative take on powered two wheelers, have a look at this site. Just remember to leave any preconceptions or blinkers at the door!
I hope you find the links interesting and have the patience to read them through - before screaming heresy.
RE: Alternative Motorcycle Front Ends
Thanks for the info. I will spend some time on it, and let you know how I get along.