SMD RF transistor markings (or case style!???)
SMD RF transistor markings (or case style!???)
OK, I've spent hours on the net looking for this one and I'm stumped. I have 2 types of SMD RF transistors, both in identical case styles. The case is about 4mmX4mm square with the leads in a 'plus' pattern with slight indents at the emitter tabs. The collector lead is slightly wider. The markings are W246 and W235.
I know they are UHF med. pwr. output transistors with Vce <~10v, I have seen them before in handhelds, but who makes them!!! They must be pretty common but I can't even find a manufacturer with that type of case. Please someone point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance
I know they are UHF med. pwr. output transistors with Vce <~10v, I have seen them before in handhelds, but who makes them!!! They must be pretty common but I can't even find a manufacturer with that type of case. Please someone point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance
RE: SMD RF transistor markings (or case style!???)
A quick check of NEC found the following device that meets most of your description, However for this part the marking should be i.e. "AW246" where the 246 would be 46the week of 2002 and it is a MOSFET not a bipolar.
RE: SMD RF transistor markings (or case style!???)