ESD testing
ESD testing
I'm trying to find a test method for measuring ESD of gloves worn by operators in our clean room. This was a request of my supervisor. I've browsed the ESD association web site and have found nothing that deals directly with what I'm trying to accomplish.
RE: ESD testing
RE: ESD testing
RE: ESD testing
How much product are are you losing from ESD damage? How many product returns are traced to latent ESD damage?
Are your workbenches and surfaces already ESD guarded?
The simplest answer is that if you are not losing any product, then there is no immediate damage, although there might be latent damage.
If you are already losing product, then it would seem to be prudent to use proper gloves.
RE: ESD testing
RE: ESD testing
Place them in the environment and compare the readings with and without the ESD gloves.