Good Billing Software for small firm?
Good Billing Software for small firm?
Anybody know of good billing software to keep track of progects and time for a 10 person engineering firm?
We currently use quick books and timesheets. We dont have a good P&L reports and it is very limited.
We are looking into Ajera by Axium and Wind2 Software.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
We currently use quick books and timesheets. We dont have a good P&L reports and it is very limited.
We are looking into Ajera by Axium and Wind2 Software.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
After much hand-wringing and fuss, we finally started devising our own, in-house written Excell spredsheet workbook to accomplish this. The timesheets are done in Excell, and all is linked to the the master time-trackink/projects workbook. This took about 2 years to perfect, but was worth it.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
We had discussed the option of going the Access route and decided against it because of the in-house development and maintenance commitment and dependancy. If you hire someone to work with your own system you won't find anyone familiar with the interface you developed. However, someone could be familiar with PT or QB. If you share you data with an accountant, they probably have a copy of PT or QB that they are familiar with.
New computer viruses? That could be nice.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
I didn't want to sound like it took us 2 years to develop our system- what I meant it was improved over a period of 2 years, from a very "ugly but it works" to a more sophisticated package.
I suppose Excell has very limited database capabilties, but we managed to put in all the bells & whistles.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
I used to teach database theory, and Excel is what I used to call a "use of data" while Access is a "source of data". I've seen people do amazing things with Excel, but for data capture and validation it always takes many times the effort that it would have in a database package (even including the learning curve to get up to speed on the database).
I've got this knee-jerk reaction to "we built ________ in Excel" that makes me say "why did you work so hard?". It is just one of my many character flaws.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm? one in our office has a database background, and learning Access was not possible at the time. We may have used the wrong tool, but for the right reasons.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
Why would a spreadsheet not be advisable for a 10-person firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
Our Excell does all of the above. There is no limitation. That is why we perfected it over such a long period of time. It just doesn't have the "pretty, glossy" look that Quickbooks or Peachtree, etc, has.
When you look at QB & PT etc, they just don't have the "set-up" look for a small, consulting engineering company.
I offered this as an alternative to what the original post was suggesting.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
Quickbooks Pro is funny, it doesn't always give me what I want to see. So I do cashflow (expense and income) in Excel. It is easier and anyone can open it. Invoicing and time management I do in Quickbooks. It tells you when an invoice is overdue automatically and will calculate interest on it. Which I like.
What are the timers like in the new versions of Quickbooks? I might go and buy one of the add-on timers if I can research them enough. At $500 that is as much as Quickbooks itself but it is still an important part of the business. The feature handling Timecards sounds like manual entry??
Regards Rick Marmei
Rick Marmei - Tool Designer
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
We have used this program for 13 years ... we have looked at probably a dozen other programs, including several listed in the posts. But for small companies Quickbooks works best. It allows you to have employee timecards downloaded directly into the program, etc. Very powerful, and quick learning curve ... you just have to follow there structural for maximum use.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
Wes C.
RE: Good Billing Software for small firm?
Agreeing with both of these posts...
Quickbooks Pro (current edition) is a great choice for small firms. You should stay away from lesser version, because they don't allow the user the ability to customize forms, or record P.O. or project numbers. This is the minimum version to use for a truly "professional" business.
If you are savvy, or have a nerd on staff who is overly eager to please, Quickbooks Pro can be very impressively customized - to the point that you can't tell that it's QB. (not the standard bars and white space forms)
The only bad part is, Quicken is also in business. Some of the features are fee-based, or third party. It can be annoying, or it can be helpful. Payroll is one of the annoying ones. Credit card processing is one of the helpful.
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