Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
Usually the nozzle for a rupture disc on a water cooled high pressure gas T&S heat exchanger is located at the top of the shell.
Is it acceptable to locate the nozzle at the bottom of the shell from a safety point of view?
Is it acceptable to locate the nozzle at the bottom of the shell from a safety point of view?
RE: Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
RE: Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
The relief needs to be on the top. The point of the relief is to let gas exit the exchanger. If you put it on the bottom all the liquid will have to drain out before the gas can escape. You would then have to size the relief for a liquid relieving rate.
Pkpbip makes some good points about plugging as well.
Good Luck
RE: Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
RE: Rupture Disc Nozzle Location
The case is that a vendor has supplied this to us on a 250 barg compressor CM after cooler and I just wanted to make sure that this was not common practice.
RE: Rupture Disc Nozzle Location