Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
I have looked at my local standards which state erosion protection must be placed around the perimeter of the stormwater wet pond to an elevation of a 1:5 year water level. Is there other less expensive options or products available than rip rap. Maybe for example a type of geo-fibre or grid. Thanks in advance.
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
I agree with xbx. If the ordinance only states "erosion protection", grass with some temp tackifier meets that. If the slope is only 15%, grass will permanently protect it. Ask the reviewer if that will work. You will need a water tolerant mix, not just a typical landscaping mix, or it will drown.
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design
RE: Alternative to riprap in stormwater wet pond design