Pressure Vessel Design
Pressure Vessel Design
Could anyone point me in the direction of a good (quality) pressure vessel design book? I'm looking for a book with equations/explinations of design proceedures. I currently have the Pressure Vessel Design Manual (by Dennis Moss). The book has everything I am looking for as far as vessel design (seismic / wind design, support lug / saddle design among other things), but it is full of errors. I have been told the Pressure Vessel Design Handbook (by Henry Bednar) is a good book. Any comments / suggestions?
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
The Pressure Vessel handbook by Eugene F. Megyesy can be useful for you.
This books shows the most of design procedures of pressure vessels.
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
I think that the good book for pressure vessel is PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN HANDBOOK by Henry H. Bednar, P.E., Pressure Vessel Design Manual by Denis R. Moss and The Pressure Vessel handbook by Eugene F. Megyesy. Anyway do not miss ASME Sec. VIII . I always uses them for my reference.
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
1. J. R. Faar & M.H. Jawad
2. Megyesy.
3. Moss.
I´ve been recomended and given a glance to:
4. In spanish:
Carlos Ruiz Rubio, "Proyecto y construcción de recipientes a Presión"
5. Bendnard.
I haven´t tryed it, but there is a ASME software for training in design. Of what I can remember it works like this:
-You buy the package (it is not so cheap),
-The software give you examples and problems you solve,
-You submit the answers,
-They (ASME) check it and explain the answers,
-When you finish (if you do) they send the certificate.
I´ve checked it on their site ( and it really looks the best option if you cannot pay for a course.
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
I agree that Bednar is a good reference. However, it does tend to have some weaknesses. It is highly biased towards steel fabrication. Equipment design in titanium for example will not be well handled by this book. However, this book in combination with Moss and Brownell and Young should adequately cover almost any issue you will run into.
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
Listing all of the errors in the Moss book would take a long period of time. I also have the Moss book, but use it only sporadically. Every time I use it, I scrutinize the formula and look at the variables, constants, etc... There are also minor errors of units laced through out the book.
From an understanding of the vessel field and e-mails with Gulf Publishing, I believe the newest version of his book is supposed to be much better. The version I have is the 1989 printing. When I tried to get a newer copy of this book, I was told they were re-printing and making some changes. I have not pursued purchasiing this new release.
RE: Pressure Vessel Design
You surprise me !
I use the Dennis Moss book and I have had some doubt about his manner of designing but never think that there are errors in.
Would you give me example of errors that you met.
I have the second edition.