Thanks. Our installation is not a pressure storage installation , but it is a atmospheric pressure installation.
The ball check valve's arrow is pointing upwards in the vertical duct. This means that this valve is there for safety in case pressure builds up too much. This valve...
I appriciate you for your information.
The situation is this: Our storage vessel is a closed one except the safety vent. i.e. in addition to inlet and outlet of the vessel, we have a duct with a ball check valve going from the roof of the tank through the roof of the facility to a...
Can you tell me why can't we fill more than 85 %, and what information I am going to get by reading the pressure inside the storage vessel.
We have a 5000 US gal tank for aqua ammonia storage. We fill this tank from tanker truck by air compressor. Filling is finished in 30 minutes. The storage tank has a ball check valve, as a over-pressure release vent.
I want to design an exhaust for this tank with ammonia absorber. I have not...
I appriciate your opinions. I myself not in favor of using vapour return line for the air compresor of the tanker truck, unless we have a liquid transfer pump.
However, I would like to disscuss with you the feasiblity of having a system like that at least in theory. Assume we have...
The tanker truck is equipped with air compressor which transfer FRESH AA from tanker truck to fresh tank, and by pulling vaccum, transfer spent ammonia from spent tank to tanker truck.
The Carrier for this AA takes care of everything, and they have been doing this kind of operation...
We have two 5000 US gal tanks; one is used for FRESH aqua ammonia and the other is used for SPENT. We empty the fresh tank slowly over 3 months for usage. when we fill fresh Tank from trailer ( filled in 30 minutes), no one wants wants to stay inside the facility due to ammonia fumes. The bulk...