The system in the photo doesnt look do-able. These are dowels/anchors that resist shear.
You have 80mm gap for expasnsion. But the anchors will prevent any movement and will take the full shear. Depending on your spans, this could be huge. The end block will be loaded only on vertical forces,as...
Concrete hinges in new bridge construction have been abandoned long time now. Main reason is defects, high maintenance requirements.
What you are describing as "hinge design - fixed construction" is coming down to how you detail reinfrocement (no anchorage), in many peoples mind. Not in mine...
Thank you all for your answers, you have been eally helpful!!
Especially the Steel Bridge Design handbook KootK proposed, it allows you to run through everything quite quickly, and I already have been through most of it.
The book "Bridge Engineering" by by Wai-Fah Chen and Lian Duan ukbridge...
Hi, Lomarandil
Thanks for your response, yes I know that it has to do a bit with the company, but my question is general apart from the interview, I want to study a bit of bridge engineering because I generally like to study.
Hello everyone,
I am a young civil engineer and I am having an interview soon for a bridge engineering role (highways). I have a pretty good background in all the aspects of structural engineering (Structural mechanics, Concrete, Steel, Composites, Dynamics) but nothing specific in bridge...