Don't feed the troll. It is pointless to get into an argument with someone whose basis is a national stereotype. If you remove poor performing schools, the U.S. educational system is on par with the rest of the world. States like Minnesota, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and North Dakota...
This is something that has been brought up that hasn't been mentioned. ERCOT issues a notice when capacity is within 3 GW of demand. When China kicked out all their cryptomines, many moved to Texas for cheap electricity and support from the Governor. Texas now has around 3-5 GW of...
I think that we just got lucky. There was an incident in January of this year where a bunch of wells froze and it hadn't even gotten that cold. I don't know. Governor numb nuts said in a conference that the gas producers could inject menthonol I believe to prevent water from freezing. Maybe...
Fat cell have ACE2 receptors for COVID-19. I suspect the hypothesis of the author is that the weak immune systems of old people and people with a lot of ace2 receptor location ,fat people, are more likely to spread the virus due to more likely reaching a higher viral load due to a quicker...
Active cases have been way more than 300,000 or 1 out of 1000. If you buy that 20% of the population has been infected, you are looking at over 60 million people in the U.S.. We are bout a year into this but 60,000,000 / 60 weeks puts you at 1 million a week if it was evenly spread...
The U.S. has been way over 1 positive case per 1000 people. After it burned through NYC, immunological studies were putting the percentage infected at around 15%. 1 out of 1000 people in the U.S. is about 330,000 people and NYC had more than that by itself. Maybe, you are going...
You could say the same about near anything and the pandemic would come and go before the science has come to a firm 100% conclusion. There is evidence that shows a correlation between dosage and severity and this is common among many viruses. I don't know of what evidence there is...
You aren't trying to catch the virus but whatever the virus is attached to. In addition, the severity of the illness appears like a lot of viruses to be dose dependent. A lot of these medical personal who died I believe did because their initially exposure was so severe. People...
Focusing just on the filtration negates anything that has to do with the virus getting to the proper cell receptors or more simply put being contagious.
I have wondered if running a humidifier is enough or has a huge affect on transmission. Transmission rates dropped after July and...
I wonder what an actual epidemiologist would say reading through this thread. I suspect he or she would be impressed that someone was interested in the technical aspects of transmission and equally disheartened that no one even bothered to read their papers.
The longer I have been on this forum the more I have grown weary of discussions in non-discipline forums. They are often filled with conclusions that were come to with 15 minute google searches by individuals that have no background to validate what they read. You often see the same kneejerk...
I don't think that much research has gone into it due to sewer gas generally is not a western problem. With Sars, there was an outbreak in an apartment complex that were determined to have been caused by faulty gas traps in the drains and toilets. This has led people to speculate...
The sad part is that hospital protocols are driven by this. A lot of medical personal ended up dying due to the administration not will to provide PPE in excess of droplet protection. The changing of it to airborne mandated a different set of protocols. The fact that this was airborne has...