Thank you! That’s the chart I’ve been looking for. I was theorizing that the head loss at 1 or 2 fps might be unusually high because the check valve was barely open, and then it would stabilize at higher velocities. This chart clearly shows that nothing unusual is happening at low velocities
Does anyone know a good way to figure out the head loss through a weighted check valve in a sewage pump station?
Most of the pump stations I work on have weighted check valves on the discharge line. We typically install them because operators like the visual confirmation when the pump is...
The pipes in question are made of terra cotta, and the grouting I'm referring to is not limited to where the pipes enter the manholes. Instead, it's the type of grouting that's injected into the joints of a pipe anywhere along the sewer main. This process is done from inside the pipe by a...
I am trying to figure out what is a reasonable life expectancy for grouting sewer main joints. The webinars that I see online state that grout (such as Avanti AV-100 Acrylamide Grout) will last forever. It is approved by the US Department of Energy to encapsulate radioactive waste and is rated...
The standard pipe bedding that I see is clean stone around the sewer main. However, I have a municipality that requires modified stone (crushed stone) around all sewer mains. The thought is that the reduced permeability of the modified stone will have less ground water moving through it...
I usually work on wastewater treatment plants around 1 or 2 MGD and have noticed the BOD5 concentration entering these plants fluctuate significantly from day to day. The influent concentrations can be anywhere from 150 mg/l to 400 mg/l and I do not see a pattern. These systems are mostly...
I am looking for a resource (either a book or continuing education) to help me understand how to analyze the hydraulic profile through a wastewater treatment plant. I have done this type of analysis before but I am trying to get more confidence and accuracy in my results. Treatment plants have...
I am working on a small municipal wastewater treatment plant (50,000 gpd) which is primarily fed by a low pressure sewer system. We have an activated sludge process and the problem we are having is the influent gets too cold in the winter for nitrification (our plant is in northeast...