Can I have an opinion on whether these are contributing at all in shear resistance of a (piled) foundation slab?
On my construction site the designer said yes but I have doubts. In my designs I never considered them, nor I have seen a code reference (in any code) that says you can consider...
Wind is a variable action. Just like live load.
You treat it once as a "main" variable action γQ1,Qk,1 and the rest live loads as secondary (1.5x0.7)
Then you treat it as a secondary action. The factor ψ0 will come from the relevant tables of Eurocode according to your case.
This is the rule...
I don't like the pin idea. I don't know if it's even allowed by modern codes. Which code are you using?
The corner column will be stiffer than the rest and could take a lot more lateral load than you think, as it tries to prop the building against seismic deformations. Short column effect. This...
I usually write my prototype calcs the first time on SMath. Then copy paste the complex formulas on excel.
Easy to quickly change them to excel formula format.
Then you end up with a verified Excel spreadsheet for the projects to come.
I used a little program in the past to do pile analysis. I couldn;t remember it before but found it in my old hard drive.
It's called PyPile, and you can use it for free for some time: Link
It performs lateral analysis of piles in soil. You can add the sea current + wave forces as point loads.
That 2nd photo got me...
I believe you already told the owner & cordoned off the area?
For the 2nd photo I would now be thinking a proper steel flitch plate.
+1 for everything phamENG said.
The steel case will be driven in the bottom of the sea. Later it will be filled with concrete to produce a RC steel-cased pile. The case is it's formwork. It's essentially a concrete pile. This pile is pretty rigid. Concreting in marine environment is problematic.
Steel piles are slender, have...
Is the metal web truss prefabricated? If so I would ring the supplier to ask him that, as it is made by them it would be their responsibility. If you do anything there you automatically take the responsibility.
If it's custom made and you feel brave you could add a metal plate, just like the...
I have similar thoughts, thanks for your reply. This type of panel would work better with RC buildings which are inherently stiff rather than steel buildings. This could probably work only if it was completely separated from the sides & top of the steel frame, with a nominal gap (some sort of...
I don't know what codes you are using in your country, but I would treat this as a RC slab.
The "reinforcement" would be the steel bottom flanges. They look fixed inside the wall, but I would treat them as simply supported. I would also provide some rebar at the bottom, between steel beams at...
I attended a building materials expo the other day and saw infill panel for buildings made of polysterene (EPS). I was intrigued and at the same time not convinced about it. The vendor argued it's fireproof, earthquake-proof and all sorts of things. For reference it looks something like that...
Ribbed slabs are precast. Insufficient curing is not impossible but sounds unlikely, they're made in a factory.
Insufficient cover might be the culprit, although in garages this type of corrosion appears sooner or later even with proper cover.
Carbonation of concrete reduces protection of...
I believe buoyancy is not an issue, if it was they would provide a heave guard which generally is compressible. It wouldn't be able to support industrial/warehouse/storage loads. Moisture damage is a possibility if the building is 20-30 years old. If insulation is outside your scope and payment...
iPad (Air v4 or better) + apple pencil 2.0
Use OneNote and you can pre-set it to A4 size with Template. For new page, just add page in a section. Then you print all section pages to PDF.
Graphics take a lot of space, so then you just compress the PDF to a normal size.
I do all my hand calcs like...
Buckling is happening on the compression flange. A beam is unrestrained if the compression flange is free.
If it's connected to something (eg concrete deck) you have to explain how stiff the restraint is and recalculate. If you want to develop a solid practical restraint, you need to properly...
Plate deflection with density 25 kN/m3 means concrete. Did you check to account for creep? Creep has significant effect on plate deflections.
If that's not the case, check your input. 30 -> 300 sounds like a units problem.
Whenever I find a case where I am conscious I should do something like that, I usually factor the dead load by 10%.
There is no general rule for that.
Just be conscious whether 5% or 15% is an actual representation of the additional elements you have.
driftLimiter is right. If your beam is 23 ft long, this appears to be close to the support, not at midspan.
Also you are talking for the top part of the beam, which ideally is in compression.
Is it simply supported? It appears to be, although photo is not clear.
Apparently prestressing is to save reinforcement and reduce weight/thickness of slab on polysterene, to make the concept viable. Any new loads, need to consider the long term losses up to this point (relaxation,creep). Do you have a high water table?
Polysterene in some cases can be load...