I never heard of having prevailing wages for h1b workers. The wages listed are ~20% higher than what companies around here pay their regular employees so on that basis alone, no one would not hire you.
Just yesterday, I was thinking about leaving engineering and become a laborer. I don't mind the physical work, it seems a lot less stressful (as a laborer not a foreman), and with Prevailing Wages the income would be higher. Maybe it's a grass is greener thing.
In 2006 I was in the same situation. I worked in Long Island and made 45k with 3 years experience. We were still in the "glorious housing boom" and I was getting 2-3% raises a year. I talked to all of my friends from college and all of them were making more. Even the one who graduated with a...
The three companies I have worked for since 2002 only ever gave out 0-3% raises per year. These companies rarely hired recent college grads since they could get someone with a several years experience for only a little bit more. I'm not sure if this is true everywhere but personally If my son...
After 10 years, my experience has been similar to yours. I have worked at three companies and there has always been a reason to give very little if any raises. This was true during the “good times” as well. During the boom, my company gave a speech on how it was their most profitable year...
I agree with everyone. Dont waste your time with certifications you dont actually need. I have an alphabet soup of certifications all because my previous employers asked for someone to get a certification in XYZ and I always volunteered. Most of these were a waste of time and not worth the...
When in doubt, it is better to be over paid and not content than under paid and not content. This is coming from someone who makes 55k and spends all their tome doing engineering work and managing projects.
After 10 years in Engineering I have had 2 employee reviews and no career goals other than "we want you to get a certification in ..." Engineering is a professional occupation and doesn't have a typical corporate ladder to climb. Even my immediate boss is clueless on how Productive ( or...
It's been my experience that salary.com is a complete waste. They base their numbers on cost of living in an area and not any actual data on wages in that area. The result is grossly inaccurate numbers
I can't find a salary list for my school district but my sister makes just over 100k with 11 years experience. She also picks up another 15k-20k over the summer part time teaching. I don't think anyone in my company except for the owner makes that much.
I'm not sure where all these low paying teacher jobs are but where i live teaching is one of the highest paid jobs around. My sister is a teacher and her hourly salary is 3.5 times mine. Add in free healthcare and a pension and there is a big oversupply of teachers here.