They are ever so subtly training you for the real world of engineering, where the bldg. code editions, standards editions, std. product info. catalogs , and the like, never match up. You need to own or have access to every code and std. in the universe, so you can go fishing in...
Kishan Yadav:
The best legal advice here is..., get yourself an attorney. That is really a “quick run down” and probably needs a little more fleshing out, before the whole story starts to suggest a proper line of action. Attorneys don’t usually send emails as a means of showing they really...
The pea gravel/asphaltic binder product, there may well be other aggregates and binders too, that I’m referring to, is specifically for pervious pavements. It is not the common cold patch asphalt referred to by MotorCity, which is not intended to be pervious. I can’t put any brand...
David Carson:
It’s probably just best to steer clear of any committees or areas where your own company deals directly and on a regular basis with the City, that removes all/most doubt. Otherwise, this is a worthy civic endeavor on your part. They certainly need more good engineering...
I believe there is a pervious paving mix which consists of pea gravel (fairly small size variation range) with an asphaltic binder in the mix, which when compacted and cured, turns into a hard, well draining, perious, pavement. Take some 8" or 10" high strips of .125" steel coil, 8'...
Let’s see if we’ve got this right..., The client is too inept and/or too lazy to clean up the mess they make at each small grinding site on the property, besides that, it costs too much and takes too long and ties up their best people; then, they don’t like maintaining any separation...
In your thinking process, you have to keep several things in mind. Your mats have to be properly proportioned w.r.t. each other, layer to layer, to work well together, you have to pay attention to alternating the spanning directions of the mats when they are made of something like...
The pros and cons, as I see them..., The right hand detail, Type 2, is the preferred column/post orientation in most cases, for the following reasons:
Along the length of the pipes, you will at least have forces and movement due to thermal expansion and contraction of the pipes. A...
They do typically warn against excessive steering, sharp radius turns, and manipulating the steering wheel while standing still, until the asphalt has aged/cured a bit and hardened. That later situation shows up exactly as your photo shows. You can literally dig a depression in the...
Thang Nguyen:
If the GC bought 40’ long piles per your original plan directions (the elevations shown on the plans), but now only needs 30’ long piles because of the changes, he should probably not have to absorb the cost for all that extra unusable piling. Alternatively, his price would/should...
It is a simple truss, and usually we think in terms of the joints being pinned. If that is true there can be no vert. reaction transmitted to “D”, because there is no moment at the joint to the right of “D”. If on the other hand, the truss had fixed joints (not pinned, but...
Will Callery:
Don’t want much, do you? Ask the agency when you find the map. Maybe they will do your design for you and send it to you free, with a purty bow around it.
Do you want the plans for the three hotel, 37 room version, or the plans for the two hotel, 16 room version? And, do you want the police post on the right or the left, looking from the north?
You might be better off to redesign the gate as follows, it might simplify the gate and foundation designs, and also improve the operational mechanics.
1. Put wheels under the left and right bot. corners of the gate. These might be “V” grooved steel wheels made to run on an angle...
Whether it be in design, field work or management, with all of the infrastructure building, rebuilding and improvements which we all need to do in all of our countries, I can’t imagine a much better technical profession to be in than Civil and Structural Engineering. Of course, you...
Just recently, I saw a catalog for the latest in ‘tank tops,’ much more interesting than the silly stuff the guys above are talking about, better looking too. You might be wasting your time on a less interesting sub-topic of tanks.
That’s a bitch of a wall to put a control or expansion joint in. You have to do the best you can to confine its size/length (along the wall)/shape to a fairly straight line. I would use some sort of closed cell, soft foam, sheet material about .5” (+/-) thick in most of the joint...
Once we finally see what you are trying to do…, use a high speed steel, ground bur; maybe cylindrical, ball or oval shaped. They are rotary files (burs) used in a hand held rotary motor; a router, drill motor, etc. Google them at McMasters-Carr, or any other specialty hardware...
Calc junkie:
That’s actually a kinda nasty little detail. It is not just a straight piece of 6x6 cant strip, but rather part of the side of a large cone, with different circumferential lengths on the two edged, at the culvert surface and at the face of the conc. wall. And, I’ll bet that the...