Look at the EQ requirements for hot water tanks in homes, the process and storage tanks in industry bldgs. Are these for a fairly static storage situation in a building, multiple storage and handling loads of many tanks, or storage for transport, where that movement imparts...
The overhead view of the roof surface suggests that that might be (probably is) a shallow hyperbolic paraboloid surface. They work well at spanning large column free areas and are a fairly light roof structure. The support systems, walls, buttresses, etc. should give some hints...
The RTU curb should not be by others, you design it to work for you. It should canti. 3'-1" on either side of the stl. bm. carrying the wooden roof trusses. The three cont. long members should be 6'-2" long, the two end members are double the truss spacing in length, and there...
I’m not an airplane hanger sliding door expert, but here’s my take on the problem. The larger door panels are about 16m long, btwn. pinned vert. joints, and about 16m high from a strong horiz. spanning fl. level beam to a top horiz. spanning beam which includes/takes the opening and...
Let us know your test results and procedure, they might be interesting and telling. They could vary by how hard/deep you have set the screw head, crushing the outer ply of the plywood. They will depend on the type, grade, number of plys, etc., of the plywood or sheet goods. And...
And, on the back side that exterior wall is a three story high wall? Then it looks like almost every vert. stack of windows is also in a different wall plane, so you have no larger wall plane, a long run of wall, despite the small widths of vert. solid framing (sheathed framing) which...
Getting real engineering info. out of you guys is like pulling teeth. What you’ve shown so far is interesting in gaining a general understanding of what you’ve got and what you are trying to do. But, to answer your question, we need the actual fab., part details, assembly, and erection...
I would grind a slight radius on the two corners and clean up the plate edges in the areas of the bends, over and above what Dvd showed. Otherwise edge imperfections will likely induce cracking at the edges of the plates when you do your bending.
There you go..., if you would only move your butt to a meditation or a yoga forum, we would all be much less stressed out.
PhamENG wasted his time giving you a very reasonable, respectful and informative response and you blew him off. This along with your sophomoric...
That looks like the lateral retaining structure/system for timbers, in a dam gate or sluice channel, to control the water elevation, and provide a spill way for overtopping of the water. I would shop fab. that member out of three plates. The downstream flange (thicker flg.) takes the...
Some of us might call that a ‘cranked beam.’ With the dimensions of 8' horiz., by 10.67' at 45̊ on the slope, that rafter or beam would be about 4' wide on a shipping trailer, eminently shipable. I would shop weld that joint and be done with it. Design it as a cranked beam of...
Good to see you back here on ET and back into real life again. And, good-on-you for the recovery and rebound. Life is a crazy thing, and our profession is no less so. They all seem to want their solution yesterday, whatever you charge them is way too much, and you can’t drag...
A five axle trailer is a very large cap’y. over the road trailer (low boy). Usually loaded from the front, and always going to be slightly heavy on the front w.r.t. the five rear axles, in the lt. wt. configuration, that’s why it lays down on the ground, when you disconnect the goose...
And, while the budget won’t allow for proper structuring of this screwed up mess, and they didn’t bother thinking about structure until the last minute, don’t forget the 2000lb. marble topped island they are wanting to put in the middle of the kitch. span, with its many chain sawed...
5'-0" H x 7'-6" L x 7'-4" W is not a particularly large container as far as structural testing goes. But, many labs may not like the idea of that much water all over their facility during the testing process. It would seem that most any lab with an EQ testing ‘shaker table’ could do...
Prestressed Guy:
I would look very closely at the ext. wall penetration area (the canti. brg. point/area) too. That, and the exposed ends of the 4x12s are notorious locations for rot if those areas are not perfectly flashed and maintained, to keep water off and out of them. Doug. Fir doesn’t...
Try setting the edge of the brg. pl. back an inch or so, or the face shell thk., from the face of the conc. blk. Rake this joint, and/or don’t let them grout the thickness of the brg. pl. immediately under the beam flg. You may be getting some relative expansion and contraction or...
This type of blocking detailing is really important where you will have a ext. deck, with ledger, etc., which has to be tied back into the int. floor diaphragm, for the lateral support of the deck. As Jerseyshore suggests, this blocking system should go back several joist bays into...
SWComposites has the right idea, you don’t want to put that reaction load into the column in the middle of the left side face, which would cause a very high out-of-plane bending/punching situation in that col. face. The two side (shear tab type) plates, one each side of the column...