You have alter your pen file or change the display of your "thicker lines". If these are tangent lines... then you can make them thinner by showing them dimmed or phantom instead as solid. The pen file is *.pnt. It is a text file. Read the help and see if this works for you. It did for us!
Hi Guys, I am having many headaches with "working" Pro/Programs in production. I have unearthed some operational issues... ( e2002060, e2002350 & i2002270 ). It seems that Pro/Programs created in earlier versions are having difficulty working now. There is a PTC workarouns available...
Pro/E has rendering capabilities. VisVIEW is a 3D Viewer/Animation/Mark-Up software ( By EDS ). You can modify the colours / add surface textures in Pro/E. After applying desired colours/surfaces.... then render in Pro/E.
I recently upgraded. We rebuilt the machine from scratch. It works great. We are using Pro/E 2001 and Pro/I 3.1. I thought there would be more problems.... but, shockingly, there were not.
I have seen price ( depending on the modules ) which includes the PC for $5000/station. If you need better numbers, let me know which modules you may need, or, explain what the job entails.
Hi roalho, I understand your angst. Along with your 12,000 hrs of experience is probably the knowledge of how to expertly dimension and constrain a sketch. Using Sketcher can enforce this by showing the basics before using Intent Manager. I have been using 3D systems for 13 years now...
Darcyo, I am not going to repeat what Beitel states. He is making a very good call. I will however give the flipside. Intent Manager is basically a tool that will assume certain constraints and dimensions. These constraints and dimensions maybe in direct conflict with the designers intent. As...
Coolbe, This is discussed in full detail in the documentation. It is pretty complete. Give it a read and let me know if you have a specific question.
Good point yogeshb, There is the session_ID, but, I prefer the component_ID. A former Pro/GENIUS taught me this to avoid having identicle session...
Hey TOC. Looks like the Family tables have been defined. I kind of got an idea of what you need to do. An INTERCHANGE assemlby is basically a type of assemlby that defines the common references between two parts/assemlbies. Usually these are planes, axis and surfaces. My favorite is the...
Hi GunnarB, PTC seems to think there is improvement. I have been trying pick a build to go to. I am on 3.1 2001361. The only documented "bug" differences are ( from what I have read ) are TAN 117099 and TAN 116018. I do have a test environment set up with 2001440 and am curious if you...
HI Hayden, When I run trail files, I usually let it go and make note of when it fails. Then I make a copy of the trail file and edit it. I basically delete all the stuff after the target feature I want to stop at. Depending on the size of your model, this can save some time. Please remember that...
Hi Jssnmi, Why reinvent the wheel? Goto and do a search in the "Parts" pages for gears. I did a quick search and found 2 worm gear models and a bunch-o-others. These models are downloadable. Use the Model Player in Pro/E to investigate how the gear was created...
HI Mlowe, I would suggest that you contact a sales rep for a 3D scanner... pretend that you want to buy one and then ask them to scan your bike as a product demo. It is weasel-like behaviour, but, getting data like that is tough. If this is not your style, I would suggest modeling up a close...