I'm doing a lot of renovation work to existing structures built during the early 1900's with loadbearing structural clay tile walls. Anyone know where I can find information on this type of construction that covers:
- Example allowable load calculations
- Providing new openings with use of...
On a multi-story hotel with an indoor swimming pool I use steel framing to support the floor above. I usually specify for galvanized steel framing. Just wondering what everyone else uses / recommends - galvanized, stainless, something else?
Also, what structural steel members do you specify...
Just curious - how many stories tall have you built using CMU block load bearing walls with a Hollow Core slab system? We are looking at an 8 story hotel and wondering if this type of construction is feasible for such heights.
On a typical over-night hotel, rectangular in shape with rooms on each side of the building and a long corridor down the middle, which design load should be used for the corridor?
(a) 40 psf - Private rooms and corridors serving them
(b) 100 psf - Public rooms and corridors serving them...
When providing structural framing between bar joists for the support of roof top units, how is the metal roof deck cut to provide chase openings... do they cut the metal deck out for the entire perimeter of the RTU curb or do they only cut the deck where the supply and return chases pass through...
Trying to determine which is correct... our general notes read such that a masonry control joint shall be placed at all masonry wall intersections. However, we also show a typical detail for a T-shaped intersection where T-shaped horizontal joint reinforcement is called for to maintain...
Starting a new job with Epicore... anyone know where I can find design information (load tables, typical sections, etc) for this product online? I've contacted Epic Metals to request information, but I'm hoping there's something in electronic format (pdf) that I can download and get my hands on...
I contacted Seth at RAM and all they have to offer is exactly what is printed in the manual. Anyone else have any info or suggestions on where to find more information on this topic?
I actually do have eccentric braced frames in one direction... concentric in the other. Can you give me a little more information on how I can determine if the frames are considered braced or not based on the displacement? Is there a section of the building code or steel manual that tells how...
I'm running a computer model of a 5 story office structure (RAM). The lateral force resisting system is made up of 2 L-shaped braced fames located on opposite corners of the structure. Each floor will consist of a 3" concrete slab (rigid). With this configuration, I would assume that I should...