I posted this about a year or two ago, a spreadsheet that does mannings pipe flow and solves for depth of flow and velocity. The instructions are in the post's.
Wish I knew how to edit my comment above, The macro might be a little confusing, it basically iterates through Manning's equation to solve for the depth of flow. The Macro can be reduced in size, I just jammed it together to get it to work fast.
You can also look at this thread from last year. I posted a spreadsheet that calcs the flow depth and velocity for any flow. The macro is in Visual Basic and runs in the excel spreadsheet. Instructions are in the tread.
Tell us a little more about the Detention/Retention bed. What is it made of? Cross-section?
If the weight of the material(empty) and soil above it are greater than the water that displaces it, it will not float. Also, if it is perforated all around and vented, it should not float, depends on...
I've also used drop manholes when there is a lot of flow at a steep slope. I have used oversized manholes and placed the inlet pipe offset from center of manhole to let the stormwater swirl around and drop to dissipate the energy, rather than let it slam into the opposite side.
I've also used drop manholes when there is a lot of flow at a steep slope. I have used oversized manholes and placed the inlet pipe offset from center of manhole to let the stormwater swirl around and drop to disapate the energy, rather than let it slam into the opposite side.
If you line them will the capacity still be adequate?
How deep are they, replacing with concrete culverts may be cheaper, you may spend more in investigating the existing pipe than just replacing them.
Glad you like it, sure modify it for your use. I've been planning a good update for it, with selectable idf curves for different areas, but I just haven't got around to it. I need more time to do everything I want to do.
This is the spreadsheet. Open the spreadsheet, open tools, macro, visual basic editor. highlight modules, click on file, import file, and locate the visual basic module I attached in the previous post. I usually save these in my personal.xls file so it can be used on any spreadsheet, if you...
Here is the Basic module that you have to import to excel, I'll attach the spreadsheet in the next post and tell you how to use themhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=8274d35c-cb45-4d13-85ea-2e2bdce93c35&file=Module2.bas
You could also put mannings equation into a visual basic macro and iterate through to solve for depth and velocity. I did this with a spreadsheet with all the normal information for a piped gravity flow system. I can attach it in this thread and tell you how to use it if you want. The program I...
Yeah, your best bet is the Fire Chief. You can measure the wheelbase, but some trucks have different turning radii for right and left hand turns. Find out the brand and model of the truck and see if you can get the info from the manufacturer. If not there may be another truck manufacturer that...
Here is a link to mass highway,
The latest design guide, look at Chapter 8, page 38. The map has a reference, I've found older maps with references to SCS.
Still have not been able to find that publication.
I have not had a chance to check my books yet. But doing a little research, It seems the old Soil Conservation Service used to provide Engineering Field Manuals to various states, I have checked the new NRCS website and have not found any copies of these publications.
All the maps I have seen...
I have almost the same maps. My maps have page numbers B-22 to B-24, Figures B-1, Sheets 1 of 3 to 3 of 3. The maps are exactly the same.
I've seen them in other printouts and copies that people have had over the years.
I'm taking a wild guess that way back, Mass. DPW, now MHD, interpreted...