Thank you Struct123ure, the comment on changes to the SFRS is helpful. The only place that the seismic site class comes in there is with the calculation of Fa, right? I_E does not depend on seismic site class or the site coefficeints Fa or Fv?
Thank you both for the reply.
I am well aware of the effects of liquefaction and how to design foundations to withstand it, the the effects of liquefaction on strong ground motions. When were are designing projects in the scenario I describe above, we're always saitisfying chapter 11 of ASCE-7...
Look at the record start timestamp and compare to the offical timestamp for the event. Japan's KIKnet and the COSMOS stromg motion databse both have aftershock records.
I'm a geotech in the pacific northwest. We freqently encounter sites that classify as Site Class F due to liquefaction (ASCE 7-16), but for projects with structures Tn<0.5 seconds, we usually use the exception that lets the seismic parameters be determined based on the site calss as if...