Hi, I was writing the fe code in Fortran for performing modal analysis. I crosschecked the Eigen values/vectors with third party software and they are matching... are u telling that 'r' is the mode shape vector??... in my eqn, phi represents normalized Eigen vector.. I refered some materials and...
hi, I am trying to calculate mode participation factors for a frame structure. the consistent mass matrix approach is used. I got the Eigen values, vectors, checked orthogonality - all ok. for calculating the mode participation, gamma=L/M, L is the coeff vector = [transpose(phi)]*[m]*[r]. how do...
Denial (Structural), thanks for your suggestion.. may b I was not well with explaning the problem.. ur understanding is correct - I have 6 independent springs representing an independent dof... thanks for your help, I will try this out...
thanks IDS (Civil/Environmental) too
Denial (Structural), thanks for the suggestion.. the spring at bottom has got 6 dofs (ie; axial stiffness in 2 horizontal+1 vertical and rotational stiffness in all these 3 cords, total = 6)....how do I add these to the stiffness coeff of the node representing the base?
@gravityandinertia (Structural)
if the structure was a cantilever fixed at base, my reduced K matrix would be of size 6x6, now in this case, where I have springs in 6dof. how do I get to reduced matrix.. if I consider the base fixed and calculate the reactions, based on the stiffness of...
hi, this is not a homework.. .. i have developed a code which can solve a typical frame structure assuming pinned or fixed foundation.. basically i eliminated the corresponding degrees of freedom from the stiffness matrix depending whether it is fixed or pinned...now i want to solve it...
hi, I have a vertical cantilever beam which is having spring fixities in all 6 dofs (at the base)... there is a load in vertical and in lateral direction at the free end.... after developing the stiffness matrix, how do i do prepare the reduced K matrix - basically, how do i solve for the...
hi, i am writing a code in fortran for static analysis of portal frames. the intention is to put some point loads on the structure and analyse it to get the reactions/displacements. could some one explain how to consider the self weight of structure in the analysis.