Big Inch I think your correct in what you say, I was a little harsh perhaps . but have actually seen persons take this route i.e ,study study and climb the ladder to drilling engineer , and very good engineers at that. You dont see it so often now because of the various...
Yes the advice is extreme,but every one wants to make it to the top these days in ultra quick time .
More and more finding graduates with so many qualifications but no practical experience and in some cases lack of common sense.there are some execeptions to this but few and far between
Take a job as a roughneck (if you can get one)with one of the drilling contractors...look learn and listen...and take it from there cant beat experience
Have a look at API 650 (you probably have already) personally I would rebuild with stiffeners as in the original build , why are your thoughts not to include the stiffeners in the rebuild