Hi regarding the following two pints 1. "the quality factor of the steam" and secondly 2. " the vapor fraction of the steam " They are two entirely different physical characteristics. Could someone perhaps explain the difference ?
I checked the steam quality cals for increasing it is 93% and decresing is 97%, I am try to verify if this is acttually valid.
I am not sure if I am calculation the enthalapies correctly, for example if the pressure inside (p1) the vessel is 8 bar, I use the hl (enthalapy of saturated liquid...
I used the armfield TH3 apparatus to conduct the experiment, you measure pressure and tempreture inside the vessel, and then throttle and measure outlet tempreture I would assume at atmospheric pressure. I attached a picture of the setup...
Hi All
After conducted a throttling experiment with water and noting the results. I would like to verify if it they make sense. What I noticed as that when the pressure inside the sealed vessel increased from say 1 to 7 bar in 1 bar increments the quality factor of the steam remained fairly...