mflayler - that's it exactly. create a constraint betweent the cubes. open functions (Fx) and note the d# of the contraint. Create a work plane offset from cube by d#/2. you can drive the constraint for various positions.
i had a look at your assembly and the part in question. a bit tricky to see what you want to do. where does the 51 degrees come in? It looks like you are on the right track with a spiral arrangement of holes. What is your issue here?
(personally I would have created this object in another plane...
I know that it's possible to create the expected resulting movement of pulleys and to have the lengths of rope between pulley centers change length to accomdate the new distance, but, that's not really going to show what i want.
I could show it , but, it wont tell me anything. I have a...
Really a cable. tiny aircraft cable.
I want to wrap the cable from a fixed end (on a moveable assy) thru a series of pulleys and intermediate surfaces to the business end where a linear force will be applied to operate the gizmo.
So a flexible cable of fixed length that can move the tip of the...
I've modelled a pair of lens' from a desk magnifier set.
The lens' are the approx. shape and size and the material set for glass (polycarbonate looks better)so they look fine in the model, but, wouldn't it be COOL if during an animation during a pan over the focal point, that the image was...
i've done this a few times. And the pictures WERE pretty! They also showed how tight the assembly was with the wound wire. Start with a straight wire the correct thickness tangent to the coil(at the bottom).Use a sweep and a 3d line to approximate one revolution then use a circular array to...
I am about to take on a project where i would like several of the components to act as if in a gravity situation, falling at the appropriate time.
If i had a ball in a tube and a plate blocking the tube I could constrain the ball to the centerline of the tube and tangent to the plate but, i...
there is a tutorial on for that very thing. the coil needs to be adaptive and if i'm not mistaken one end needs to be constrained to a plane in the main assembly and the other end to a component surface.
i created a new assy and drawing placing each part in one by one working backwards by file date until i came across the offender.
i had mirrored an array in a part. I had two axis defined on the ends of the array and created a work plane across them, offset a plane to that and then mirrored the...
i re-assembled the assy with a new drawing, flipping from one screen to the other as i placed each part.
i found the offender. and the drawing views have returned now that it is deleted from the assy.
The part was a wire wrapped toroid. So, i had a circular array and an extrusion to represent...
i would think that the problem with the tangent constraint is the fact that the lobe has two different radii. you can probably pick one but, not both.
i suggest you check S.Dotson website for tutorials.
there is one for relative motion, where you define a plane, say on you shaft centerline, then...
i used the search in forums and FAQ's with no hits.
INV R8. .idw created from assembly, ballooned, notes etc., saved.
upon re-opening the drawing only one of six views are visible. Balloons still attached. Upon editing views can be seen as solids, but, not as drawing or hidden line views. The...
Remember AutoCad? Mechanical Desktop?
When working with 3D models you could "weld" 2 pieces together using a "union" command. Let's say we "unioned" a cap onto a bottle. Later you could surround the bottle with a solid block and "subtract" the bottle from the block leaving the mold for a bottle...
i solved my problem. So i will just post the results here for your reference.
I was getting a message saying that the file could not be saved. "no rows with valid keys found".
I had added a new key (material). the old files couldn't open because of the new extra key.
a better message would...
I have modified an existing database for an i-part.
I edited an existing column (part numbers) and added a few more members. i did not change any of the existing filenames.
when i save the file i get no errors. (cells are all filled)
when i check in the model view things are as expected, there...
I must find the hardest questions to ask, as i hardly ever get a reply. ( see other posts jan 23 )
New question.........How to get rid of a bogus reference in IV8.
I was sent a solid from another program converted to Inventor. It was in my assembly as "derived body yadayada" and life was good...
Besides creating a "starting" drawing, is there not a way to have note positioning etc. in a template "STICK".
if i edit the notes and save the template the notes are saved, but, not in position.
I have to add 5 notes (symbols) to each drawing. WHY????? Why can't i set up my template visually...
Can anyone tell me of a way to create groupings of parts (not assemblies) like blocks in AutoCad.
I would like to place small "groups" into my model and have the BOM read as separate parts. For instance, every time i use a #4 button head screw, i also use (and constrain) a #4 helical lock washer...
Can anyone point me to a site with solid models of military connectors? As these are the same world-wide any good site will do.
Thanx for any help you can provide