I am more interested in the wave shape, which is why I was wondering about backwards filtering to reduce the effects of time delay and phase shift.
I created a filter in octave using the butter (generates the b and a arrays) and filtfilt (which does forward and backwards filtering). I...
FFT or filter? Assuming filter, I should flip the filtered response then filter again. Then flip it back? Is this my final filtered response or do I need to add it to the first filtered response and average.
Thanks, Octave was already available on our system since we have red hat. So I was able to use it.
I am following a published paper for the analysis and filter they used is an 8th order butterworth filter, so I want to use an 8th order butterworth filter. The paper also states...
To clarify a little more. I am a structural engineer and the "signal" I want to filter is from a numerical analysis which is giving time vs acceleration data. The data is in two columns with sampling rate of 10,000 Hz and the cutoff frequency I want to use is 180 Hz.
What is the best software to do filter. I need create an 8th order low pass butterworth filter.
Also from what I remember from by signal processing class (which was a long time ago) that filtering causes a time delay and phase shift. What is the best way of eliminating it or reduce the...