Okay, I will request forgiveness for the vagueness of my question.
The answer I was told to expect was "Miner's Rule". We do spectral exageration as IRstuff indicated via
(newPSD^4)*newTime = (oldPSD^4)*oldTime
or someother exponent. However how is that arrived at. GregLocock headed...
Thanks for your response. What you've listed is the method for determining the new spectrum to acheive the new test time.
What I am looking for is people to identify "the underlying premise of test time reduction through amplitude exaggeration"?
Sorry for my lack of clarity. The test time refered to is shaker table test time.
Curiously I think your rule of thumb for doubling the stress S amplitude to half the N cycles is interesting. As a mechanical I would have applied a different ratio.
I have a question. I'll keep it brief to not lead the response. However I would like to learn some of the background to the response.
Here is the question (please fill in the blank):
If you ask any vibration guy in the world the underlying premise of test time reduction through amplitude...