I am working in a developing country where the centreline of the road is painted manually.In spite of the efforts made by the painters to paint, the centre line markings look zig-zagged.Is there a simpler way to paint the centre line so that thay look smooth and pleasing so as to teach the local...
Thanks Abeltio. That is exactly what i meant.But may be due to my poor command of embedding and linking technique the excel sheets do not fit neatly in the word document.
I am working on creation database of various routes(roads)in the country thru which i have to travel.I like to make use of GPS receivers so that whenever i am travelling in a vehicle i could continuously record the x,y,z coordinates of the path i have travelled.Which will be the best solution...
This is just my Id i prefer.
I think you should understand the formula you are using whether you can derive it yourself or somebody has derived it.
Thaanks a lot for all participants. Thanks a lot for ENG-TIPS Forum for such a live and interesting discussion.
Somebody has said that "if you can not derive a formula or if you can not understand how it is derived by others, never use it" do you agree with this?
It is the opinion of adminstrators and beaurocrats who usually do not want to recognize the role of engineers and try to misinterprete the term engineer with ranking several nonilligible professions as equavalent to engineer(like in south asian countries).
Most of the people without engineering degree and who have gained a lot of experience in the field of engineering usually have illusion that their limited knowledge is equal to the rigorous knowledge gained from college courses.I think this is just an illusion.The engineers should be called only...
In recent years I have noticed or felt that the meaning of ENGINEER has been taken very lightly. In our times to be an engineer was a tough task with very sound foundation of knowledge of mathematics and science and had very good talent. Not every body had good command of these subjects and so...
Just deal the soil like other dead loads and if the soil thickness is sufficiently high take the axle loads as uniformly distributed load over an area which the footprint of the wheel will be if it is assumed to be distributed at 45 deg. angle.
Can anybody suggest me where can I find information on suppliers of traffic signal accessories(Such Programmable logic Controllers,their specification,traffic lights and blinkers(both for vrhicles and pedestrians) and their cost.
I have an algorithm that approximates the route by polynomials of 3rd degree.I want to convert the cubic polynomials into segments of clothoids used for transition curves in highways.Do you have any idea about it?