I'm looking for a short length (10-12") of DWV copper pipe, 6" ID preferable, 5" is acceptable, in Atlanta. I can't find anyone selling this online.
Since it's a handle error, I am guessing that your program is attempting to create output (e.g., write to stdout, create a plot window, etc.), but matlab is unable to process this output.
1. The purpose of z-scores is to allow the comparison of data from different statistical distributions. What you need to do first is quantitatively determine which data are sampled from different distributions. I don't have MEG experience, but I suspect that data from each condition and each...
All light at angles greater than *or equal to* the critical angle is completely reflected, Therefore there is no problem with reciprocity.
I am in the early stages of remodeling an office space into a laboratory (the space is generally quite amenable to the intended application). The intended user would like to minimize dust, but we do not have the financial resources to do a true cleanroom.
The room gets HVAC from the...
If you are trying to do a binary switch, the parallel port would be your best choice. The matlab data acquisition toolbox has support for parallel port operations.
A quick web search turned up several other options. Here is one that describes one of the harder techniques...
It is very simple to make an avi file with the AVIFILE function. I use the 'Cinepak' compression option, but I frequently encounter colormap errors for very large data sets.
The surf function only likes to plot on rectangular grids. You have two options:
1. Use the griddata function to interpolate your vectors:
[XI,YI,ZI] = griddata(x,y,z,XI,YI)
2. Hand-process your grid into a set of patches and plot each one separately using the 'patch' function.
Hmmm. Maybe I have a default setting that is different from yours. Just to be sure your colormap is the same length, try this:
c = colormap(gray(256));
you can edit the colormap however you please. I think you might mean something like this ...
% start with a colormap of increasing grayscale density
c(:,[2:3])=0; % zero the green and blue entries
colormap(c); % load the custom colormap
You should realize that the interference filter test may be difficult to pull off with untrained labor. The center wavelength of interference filters varies like cos(theta), where theta is the zenith angle of incidence. You get a 1-nm shift for 3.3 degree misalignment and 3-nm shift for 5.8...
It sounds like you are using a laser diode, so your beam is probably something like gaussian. If you can confine your field of view into a small enough portion of the laser beam, you will get good uniformity. This comes at the expense of losing a lot of light. Along similar lines, you can expand...
I don't think that a heat reflective filter is going to help your temperature problem very much. These filters reflect IR light beyond 750 nm and transmit visible light. Your fluorescent tubes do not emit very much light in the IR.
Rosco is a good source for cheap films. You can get a variety...
Ok, 880 nm and 1050 are "near-infrared," which is somewhat outside of the domain of this forum.
It sounds to me like you already have what is takes to view your images, that is, your "modified IR enabled cameras." What capability do you need that you don't already have?
Your biggest problem is that the CAY033 is designed for infinite conjugates (collimation), but you are using it for 1:2 conjugate imaging. High-NA lenses perform terribly when used away from their design specifications.
For your application, you may use two aspheric optics back-to-back. One...
The tick labels are string values. You can manually set them however you want:
If you want full automation, use 'get' to read in the current values, 'sprintf' to set the numerical format, and 'set' to update.