Thanks Bill.
This was almost the first thing I came to on epay:
3-Phase Multi Tap Auto Transformer (600,480,400,240,208V)
I suggested they use the 600 -> 480 taps and to make sure they weren't trying to change from delta to wye or wye to delta. Around here we have mostly delta 480 and I...
Thanks all!
480/120!!! Don't know why I was stuck in 12/24/32/48V buck land? Well that's why I asked.
Thanks a bunch gents.
iop95; I don't want to get inside of their hardware if at all possible. If it was me doing it I'd consider some internal mods.
A 3 phase Variac might be a good choice...
Guy's got a 3 phase euro power supply for a bizarre machine that requires 360~400V and all he's got now is 480V. I was thinking that since this is only about a 17% difference some buck/boost magic might work. But alas, i'm not seeing it.
About 30A output is needed.
Any suggestions?
Maybe you're overthinking this?
These thirty 400MCM cables were jammed into five PVC conduits buried in dirt out to a 1.5 megawatt Cat generator.
Keith Cress
kcress -
First try to isolate what exactly is causing the crash.
Disconnect each relay one at a time. See which one is the problem. Both?
Once the relay is found reconnect it and remove it's load. See if, in-fact, it's the load causing the problem and not the relay.
Keith Cress
kcress -...
At the Monterey Bay Aquarium that monster window was done by a Japanese firm using a proprietary method that had them boot everyone out and then they covered up the process with tarps so it couldn't be observed.
Probably two guys with some Tap Plastic drippy bottles.
Keith Cress
kcress -...
The reason is because anybody who gets tangled up with the idiot lying thieves that call themselves Autodesk quickly learns they should stay away from them. (They should change their name to Autodicks.)
Good luck with their "Free", which after you dump a sh!tton of learning time into Fusion360...
FacEngrPE; Thanks for confirming that. Didn't know they could get clear up to 230kV. Wow.
Cool they already got the power going too. Stick that in the eye of the maggots that did the damage!
Keith Cress
kcress -
Don't they have spare transformer/substations on big trailers they can drive up next to the substation and jumper in?? I've seen 69kV ones. How could it take more than a day or two to put one of those in service?
Then post a security guard until a proper cinder-block wall is installed.
Have a 30hp pump down a 10 inch well bore. There's a leaky plug on the seal cap. Of course starting the pump you get some serious sucking thru the leak you can hear, several feet away, as the water level drops. Then when the pump stops we get a bunch of air coming out the leak as the well...
The field component is always kept fully excited (except for some clever modes not germane to this discussion) so only the torque component needs to actively change. With that said whatever they both are they're both vectors. The VFD sums those vectors them and sends the resulting single value...
Tug; If the distance to the motor is large they get used. I use them when a customer wants a VFD to run an older motor. Say some 20 year old or older machine that now they want to adjust the speed on. I'll use an output reactor. If the distance is really far then you move to a dvdt filter...
Tug; The white LEDs are BLUE LEDs exciting yellow phosphors never UV. UV's are very recent and still fairly gutless and inefficient.
klloh; The flicker as mentioned by Tug and Dave is indeed caused because the LEDs are actually going on and off rapidly due to your driver's technology...
Thanks Cranky. That compares well to Cat's guidance.
That did help catserveng. Considerably, and with local knowledge! All points noted, many thanks.
No generation. Main issue is that Santa Crux has become far less industrial, backing everything into 'commercial' which results in quite...
I get this:
Buildings require building wiring.
That means Romex or conduited THHN or similar.
Those need to be a minimum of 14AWG unless it's a commercial space which requires 12AWG minimum.
Doing a mess-O-math to come up with an unuseable size wire is not too useful.
14AWG wire is 0.002525...
I realize that but yet there are people as I linked in that post that are building systems. The Outback Garage guy has built an advanced system and had an electrician check it. His latest endeavor is to replace all his old used panels with all new crazy large ones because of some Australian...
The materials for an off-grid 5kWhr system is only about $4k. Shows how gougy solar installers are! If you can do your own work you will come in far, FAR lower than any subsidized commercially installed system. That or you can build three times the capacity yourself staying under the...