There was a man (non-engineer) who used to do design drafting on a contract basis for my firm twenty years ago, prior to my hire. My firm is a design engineering firm that produces construction drawings for commercial construction. The man established contact with many of the company's Design-Build clients and then left the company. For the last twenty years he has been soliciting work from these Design-Build contractors, completing the drawings, and then paying various PEs to stamp them for him. In 2007, the state board gave him a cease and desist order, but he has only gotten smarter with his actions. His name never appears on any of his drawings any longer, but we all know that he is doing the work. Currently, he has a retired Civil Engineer stamping his HVAC drawings. If that man is turned it, then he will just move to another PE to stamp them. How do you stop a guy like this? Obviously, he is stealing work from my company, but more importantly, he is a total fraud who leads all his clients to believe he is qualified to do this work. The Design-Build contractors don't care, simply because they are getting stamped drawings at a reduced price. The state board wants a smoking gun dropped in their lap. He is too smart for that. Please help!